Steve Wynn Italian Fansite

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we are in the middle of a tour in duo (Steve Wynn +  Chris Cacavas) that touched Holland, Belgium, Germany, and now Italy with many many shows. Cantù, Genova, Ferrara, Firenze, Settimo Torinese, Savignano sul Rubicone, Livorno, Sora, Catania, Catanzaro already gone and Cinquefondi, Roma, Mareno di Piave and Lugagnano di Sona still to go (with 3 stops in Greece and 1 in Vienna in the middle). Every show consist in a solo set from Chris, followed by a solo set by Steve, and to conclude, a set in duo. Setlists changed very much from a show to another. Here's a couple of examples:

nov 08, 2018
Sala Estense, Ferrara

Chris Cacavas solo:

Tell Me Everything
Pale Blonde Hell
New Improved Pain
Who's Your Whore?
California (into the Ocean)

Steve Wynn solo:

Shelley's Blues pt.2
Filter Me Through You
One by One
That's What You Always Say
See That My Grave is Kept Clean

Steve Wynn + Chris Cacavas:

My Midnight
The Ambassador Of Soul
How Did I Find Myself Here

Sweetness and Light (Steve solo)
When You Smile (Steve solo)
Disappear (Steve+Chris)
Baby We All Gotta Go Down (Steve+Chris)


Nov 11, 2018
Chiesa del Suffragio,
Savignano sul Rubicone

Chris Cacavas solo:

The Burden
Pale Blonde Hell
Tell Me Everything
Loving Tree
California (into the Ocean)

Steve Wynn solo:

My Old Haunts
Here On Earth As Well
We Don't Talk About It
When You Smile
Days Of Wine And Roses

Steve Wynn + Chris Cacavas:

Bring the Magic
Whatever You Please
Freak Star
Manhattan Fault Line

Coney Island Baby (Steve solo)
Disappear (Steve+Chris)
Boston (Steve+Chris)
There Will Come a Day (Steve solo)


Steve also released a book with the lyrics of all his songs (about 300). You can buy it at the shows or amazon.

PS: Steve already recorded another album with dream Syndicate that will be probably released on may 2019. They will tour in Europe in the fall


To get daily updates you can check the facebook page facebook page.


you can read other news here


Last Updated on Saturday, 17 November 2018 16:02


Questo sito è dedicato a Steve Wynn, un artista che sfortunatamente è poco conosciuto al grande pubblico, ma è comunque tenuto in grande considerazione in ambito underground dai suoi fans e dalla critica musicale. Troppo poco commerciale con i Dream Syndicate nei primi anni ’80, che si sciolsero proprio quando stavano cominciando a farsi conoscere, e troppo in fretta dimenticato da più, nonostante la sua validissima carriera da solista.

Se avete la fortuna di conoscere la sua musica, sicuramente dovrete ringraziare un amico per avervelo consigliato. Io devo ringraziare ALDO, CARLO e TONI per avermi parlato di THE DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES e THE MEDICINE SHOW, ed avermi così aperto la porta sull’universo musicale Wynn-related. 

Se non avete nessuno che vi ha parlato di Steve Wynn, ma siete comunque capitati ‘per caso’ su questo sito, NON ANDATEVENE, ma date una chance a Steve ed alla sua musica di conquistarvi…


This site it's about Steve Wynn, an artist that is unfortunately not very well known worldwide, but it's well known by his fans and in the underground world. Too little commercial with Dream Syndicate in the early 80s, that broked up when they starts to be famous, and too fast forgotten by many people, despite his good solo career. If you are lucky and know his music, surely you have to thanks for that a friend that suggest to you his music. I have to thanks ALDO, CARLO and TONI for talking to me about THE DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES e THE MEDICINE SHOW, and opening to me the door on the musical universe Wynn-related. If you don't have anyone who talked to you about Steve Wynn, but you are on this site by chance, DON'T GO AWAY, but give a chance to Steve and his music to capture you...


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